A (Coffee) Day In The Life
Ever wondered how our Head Roastmaster Chris enjoys his coffee throughout the day? Wonder no more!
Join us for our first installment of a (coffee) day in the life of Roastmaster Chris and join him as he makes his way through the day, one cup of coffee at a time! First things first, it's important to always brew your coffee with fresh coffee. Roastmaster Chris prefers whole bean, but regardless of your grind preference, it's recommended to store your coffee in an airtight container. Airtight containers are light, easy to keep clean, and feature an airtight vacuum seal. The seal helps to remove to oxygen so it can't accumulate inside and stale your coffee. After ensuring that his coffee is fresh, Roastmaster Chris starts the day with a cup brewed using a French Press. He prefers the French Press, as he feels this is one of the best ways to enjoy coffee and experience the true flavor!Not familiar with the French Press Method or looking for some new tips and tricks? Join Roastmaster Chris for a step by step tutorial!
- Start with 2 oz. of coarse ground coffee.
- You can adjust ounces to your taste preferences.
- Coarse ground is recommended, as finely ground coffee can get stuck in the filter or result in a more bitter tasting cup.
- Put coffee into French Press.
- Wet the grounds with hot water.
- Water should be 200 degrees, never boiling. If you do not have an electric kettle, bring water to a boil then let sit for 2 minutes to reach 200 degrees.
- Do not use all the water, just enough to develop a "crust".
- Let sit for 30 seconds.
- Stir to break the crust and finish pouring the remaining water in a circular motion. Fill to bottom of the upper band.
- Put the top on, but do not lower the plunger yet. Let it steep for 4 minutes.
- You may adjust the time to your taste preferences
- Plunge slowly with firm pressure.
- If you get an air bubble, pull up to break the vacuum then resume plunging.
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