How to Make Perfect Coffee: There’s More to it Than you Think!
How to Make Perfect Coffee: Brew, Baby, Brew!
No matter how high quality your beans are, if you mess up the brewing process you’re at high risk for a low quality cup. When asking any coffee expert how to make perfect coffee, they’ll tell you that French Press is the best method. Sure, you can still make good coffee in a drip brewer, but we’re not talking “good,” we’re talking great.Brewing at its best. Why French Press?
French press coffee is fabulous because it’s unfiltered. Unlike drip coffee that passes through a paper filter, French press coffee is made by allowing the water to come in direct contact with the grounds. This allows for better flavor extraction and allows the coffee’s natural oils, and other crucial flavor components to remain in the brew. This is why French press coffee is more flavorful. French press coffee is also great because it’s easier to customize. By changing the amount of time coffee steeps (i.e. the time that the grounds and water sit in the French press together), you can change the boldness of the coffee. Also, you can add or subtract the amount of coffee grounds that you use to alter the strength of the coffee. Now that you know this, it’s hard to think of how to make perfect coffee without a French press!How to Make Perfect Coffee in a French Press

How to Make Perfect Coffee – It’s More Than Just Brewing
Perfect coffee is so much more than brewing and grinding the beans correctly. First, know that not all beans are created equal. Sure, they’re all small and dark brown, but the quality of the beans is super important and what controls this is how they’re grown, harvested, sorted and processed. Momma Nature & The Farmers Mother nature knows better than anyone how to make perfect coffee…and how to destroy it. Nature has the biggest influence on the quality of coffee because the weather and the soil have to be just right for coffee growing. Different types of climates produce different types of coffee. (It’s a lot like wine in that sense!)Farmers Know Just How to Make Perfect Coffee…and Grow it!

Babysitting the Seedlings
First off, coffee plants can’t grow unless the soil has just the right amount of moisture and density. If the moisture levels aren’t perfect, the coffee seedlings will die. If the soil is too dense, the plant sprouts won’t be able to break through it. This is why the seedlings have to be under close watch! The soil has to be closely monitored, agitated by hand (frequently) to keep it loose, with the moisture being checked frequently. On top of this, each seedling needs a diaper change 6 times a day, and two naps. (OK, that’s not quite true, but it sort of feels like it to these dedicated farmers!)Raising the Plants
Once seedlings grow to full sized plants, farmers have to make sure the coffee plants have the right mix of shade and light. Farmers plant coffee underneath trees that protect them from the sun. (Did you know that coffee beans can sometimes take on the flavor of the plants that shade them? If beans grow on a plant that’s under an orange tree, they may have hints of orange flavor! Cool, huh?) The coffee plants also have to be trimmed to keep them at 5 feet or under. This allows the coffee plant to use most of its nutrients to produce fruit (rather than using it to grow taller). Taller may be better in sports, but not in coffee!The Harvest
After the coffee plant grows fruit (cherries), hard-working, hardy men and women pick it by hand! The tricky thing is that cherries don’t all ripen at the same time. The harvesters have to revisit the same coffee plants over and over again. They hunt for ripe cherries and leave the unripes for later. (The coffee plants like the attention. They feel lonely without regular visits!) Joffrey’s Roastmaster, Chris, knows how to make perfect coffee, and is a stickler for quality control. Chris often pays coffee farmers extra money to incentivize their harvesters to pick only ripe coffee fruits (called cherries). This is one of the many reasons Joffrey’s coffee stands out among the rest! If you try any one of our coffees, you’ll taste the difference. Try one of our best-selling coffees, for example.Sorting: The American Idol for Coffee Beans

Sinkers Celebrate Victory!
The sinkers get to celebrate their awesome victory with a visit to the depupler. The depulper is a machine removes pulp from the cherry.Cuppin’ The Newly Harvested Beans
Roastmaster Chris actually cups (tastes) coffee right after it’s harvested. Even at this early stage, his trained palate can taste imperfections in the coffee, and he can begin to plan how to make perfect coffee with these beans. If Chris tastes imperfections in the coffee, Joffrey’s won’t buy it. This means that every coffee you see on our site has passed this test. The varietals and blends are a perfect example of great taste.Weighing in for the Big Match
Coffee beans have to be sorted by size and density. Size is important when thinking about how to make perfect coffee. Why? Beans that are roasted together have to be the same size and density. The ones that meet the density and size requirements kept. The ones that don’t aren’t. The size and density requirements depend on the species of coffee plant the beans were grown on. Even size and density is important because if beans of different sizes and densities are roasted together, some roast quicker than others, some end up over-roasted, and others will end up under-roasted.Sip it Before You Ship It!
Before the immigrates to the U.S. (via boat)., Roastmaster Chris tries the coffee again. The coffee beans that meet his high standards in quality win a trip to the U.S. Those that don’t, have to skedaddle! Coffee beans around the world are aware of Roastmaster Chris’ high standards and are pretty scared of quality control checkpoints like this one…but those that pass are elated!Coming to America!
The coffees we buy are grown all over the world, in places like Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Hawaii. Some of our coffees (the Origins) are named after the countries they come from, but all coffees that you buy from us have to make a long journey to mainland U.S. After these courageous coffee beans finish their boat ride, there’s no rest for the weary. Roastmaster Chris puts them to the test yet again! He cups them once more to test their quality. Those that pass this final test are the winners! Joffrey’s will buy them, they’ll win backstage tickets to meet Chris in the flesh. From there, the beans are hand-roasted with care, passion, and precision; and they’ll end up in your cup.
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